AA in Guernsey
AA has a thriving fellowship in Guernsey, with meetings every day.
Many hundreds of Islanders have benefited from attendance at local AA meetings, helping them to get sober, stay sober, and rebuild lives previously damaged or threatened by alcoholism. Sobriety through AA provides the key to contentment and a new freedom.
AA is about one alcoholic talking to another; there are no professional counsellors. Sobriety of Guernsey AA members ranges from one day to more than forty years.
A helping hand 
If you want help with a drinking problem, we're here for you. AA has a solution. That isn't an empty promise. AA has been helping alcoholics recover for more than 80 years. If your drinking is out of control, AA can help.
If you have some questions, see Newcomers
Newcomers benefit from sharing experience, strength and hope with others with the same problem who were once trapped but have found a way out.
A warm welcome awaits newcomers and visitors to Guernsey meetings.
AA as a Resource for Professionals 
Alcoholics Anonymous offers the suffering alcoholic help in attaining and maintaining sobriety. The success rate is high, and the AA 12 step programme of recovery is used by leading treatment centres. AA in Guernsey wishes to encourage referral from health professionals and others in a position to advise the suffering alcoholic.